
T-t-that's all, folks!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who have come to my yoga classes these last 10 years. It has really been a 'dream come true' for me.

My long-time Fujikawa class will end in March. And the classes I have tried to start in Toyota/Miyoshi these last 3 years do not have enough regular students to continue.

So, with that, I have realized that all of my private yoga classes will soon end.

I will have a city yoga class in Miyoshi this spring, and will try to do another in the fall in Seto. And perhaps from April a 2 times a month Saturday class in Toyota.

So I am sad to say it, but for now until March 13, Fujikawa will be my only, and last, yoga class. 

And again, all I can say to all of you,  

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you : )

この10年間、私のヨガのクラスに来てくれた皆さん、ありがとう、ありがとう。 それは私にとって本当に「夢が叶う」ものでした。

私の長年の富士川クラスは3月に終了します。 そして、私がこの3年間トヨタ/三好で始めようとしたクラスには、継続するのに十分な正規の学生がいません。


今春、三好でヨガのクラスを開き、秋には瀬戸で別のヨガのクラスを試みます。 そしておそらく4月からトヨタで月に2回土曜日のクラス。

